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House Of W.O.M.B. Foundation Inc.

Women Overcoming Many Barriers

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A Bit of Background


The House Of W.O.M.B., Women Overcoming Many Barriers, Foundation Inc is a Louisville based nonprofit. I chose this name because at the age of fifteen, I became pregnant and gave birth to my first daughter. Motherhood at such a young age brought many struggles both personal and financial. I was lacking family support, sound guidance, money, and in all, assistance from anyone who could help me succeed in my new role. The pain that I endured during this time and the hurdles I managed to overcome helped give birth to my organization.

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Tyria Cowan, is the president & founder of The House of W.O.M.B. Foundation Inc. The House of W.O.M.B. provides case management, counseling resources(employment, medical), tutoring, mentorship, artistic healing, access to childcare and other community resources to women and children in crisis helping them overcome their challenges and blossom into their lives. We are in the process of raising funds to support our program needs. 

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The House Of W.OM.B. is where the " wounded come to be healed ”

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